CAT Motor Grader 120 CEV Stage V Compliance
CAT Motor Grader 120 GC
CAT Motor Grader 140 GC
Built with decades of design experience, you'll find the perfect Cat® motor grader for your grading application. With world-class cabs, advanced hydraulics, control-type options and technology options, you'll complete your grading projects on time and at a lower cost.
Motor graders in India lead the industry in multi-tasking. A motor grader can finish grade, mix aggregate and other materials, cut or clean a ditch, clear snow and slope a bank. No matter what the size of the job, there's a Cat® Motor Grader made to tackle it - small, medium or big.
Small motor graders are often used by councils, towns or city public works departments for street and road maintenance and ploughing snow. Contractors use graders on a variety of jobs, such as road construction, parking lots, sports fields and building pads. The advantage of this size of motor grader is its ability to move efficiently in tight areas. Small Cat® Motor Graders give you the choice of controls between joysticks or a steering wheel and levers. When you’re looking for the ideal balance of manoeuvrability and performance, there’s a Cat Motor Grader that fits perfectly.
With big Cat® Motor Graders you've the power and blade length to move a lot of material and can grade quickly and efficiently. High blade capacity and speed make them ideal for clearing snow or debris from roads in record time. The combination of weight and horsepower help them cut through tough, hard packed materials, such as mining haul roads.
Motor Graders is used for flattening surface, spreading, fine grading, levelling soil.
Motor Graders are fitted with scarifier and moldboards in front side. The scarifier will loosen the earth or the material pile. The moldboard is attached with different hydraulic cylinders. These hydraulic cylinders allow the moldboard to roll, pitch & yaw. When the motor grader moves in the forward direction, with the combines motions of those cylinders, the moldboard moves, spread and grade the material.
Capacity of Motor Graders are given with Engine’s power. It varies from 140 hp to 533hp.