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CAT 2000 kVA Diesel Generator 3516B DITA

Producing reliable power from 2000 to 2250 kVA at 50 Hz, our 3516B diesel generator sets are made to meet your mission critical, continuous, standby and prime applications. We've designed each to ISO 8528-5 transient response requirements and to accept 100 per cent rated load in one step. Generator sets offer both low fuel consumption and low emission systems.

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Boasting one of Caterpillar's most modular engine designs to date, the Cat C7.1 also features an engine-mounted aftertreatment that saves OEMs valuable time and space when installing into a wide variety of machines-especially industrial and construction applications. OEMs also enjoy a 20% length, 5% height and 40% weight reduction when downsizing from 9-liter platforms.

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