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Lok Line

The LOK model locotractor is a rail/road diesel vehicle with hydraulic traction. It is produced in 11 models, all of which are able to replace traditional locomotives.

LOK vehicles are able to on- and off-rail quickly and move efficiently inside plants.

These models can be equipped with automatic hooks and remote controls, making them quicker and even more cost-efficient for railcar movement.

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The LOK model locotractor is a rail/road diesel vehicle with hydraulic traction. It is produced in 11 models, all of which are able to replace traditional locomotives.

LOK vehicles are able to on- and off-rail quickly and move efficiently inside plants.

These models can be equipped with automatic hooks and remote controls, making them quicker and even more cost-efficient for railcar movement.


Model 6.110 10.170 13.220 16.300 20.300 22.520 30.520
Draw Bar Pull* up to 70 kN 100 kN 130 kN 160 kN 200 kN 230 kN 280 kN
Max Towing Capacity** up to 1400 t 2000 t 2600 t 3200 t 4000 t 4600 t 5600 t
Weight up to 16 t 20 t 24 t 29 t 35 t 40 t 48 t
Dimensions LxWxH 4800 mm x 2500 mm x 3400 mm 4800 mm x 2500 mm x 3400 mm 6500 mm x 2500 mm x 3400 mm 6500 mm x 2500 mm x 3410 mm 7000 mm x 2500 mm x 3630 mm 7000 mm x 2500 mm x 3660 mm 7360 mm x 2500 mm x 3660 mm

*dry straight level track | **starting peak performance

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